King Juan Carlos, the subject of one of my April 1, 2012 articles, days later, falls and replaces his hip.
The fall occurred early Friday morning [April 6, 2012] in the chalet where the head of state was staying, said Angel Villamor, spokesman for San Jose hospital in Madrid where the king had his operation.That same day, a Hornet, a type of fighter unveiled in 1978, crashes upon taking off in Virginia- and no one is killed!
Extremely intense sky show Monday, April 9, 2012 of dark black clouds being dissipated with immensely sunshine and sunlite clouds, like a transition from the blackest of feeling to the most positive- and this was in the late afternoon of a day filled with various outbreaks of fires, and particularly intense winds around quarter past 2 PM
Weird Weather - Tornadoes over Norman, OK
That day, the King's grandson shoots himself in the right foot.
It is not the best moment to be King of Spain. Juan Carlos' son-in-law Iñaki Urdangarin is being investigated for involvement in a massive corruption scheme; and his eldest grandson just shot himself in the foot — literally. On April 9, the 13-year-old Felipe (who is known to the public by his nickname Froilán), was finishing up target practice at his father's estate, when he accidentally fired a bullet into his right foot. Because Spanish law prohibits anyone under the age of 14 from operating a firearm, the Civil Guard has now opened an investigation into the event. "Without a doubt," says journalist Mábel Galaz, who covers the Spanish royal family for El País newspaper, "this is their annus horribilis" — a reference to Queen Elizabeth II's description of 1992, the year the marriages of three of her children (including that of Charles to Diana) were breaking up and Windsor Castle caught fire.
So far the Royal Household has declined to give details on the trip except to say it was a "private matter".
FILE - In this Oct. 6, 2008 file photo, King Juan Carlos gestures during the opening of the InterAmerican Press Society General Assembly in Madrid. No one's a stranger to having their face glow bright red with embarrassment, for some reason. But can anyone be cringing with it more right now than Spain's king? As his country floundered amid economic woe and worry last week, with fears of a bailout mounting and everyday people braving 23 percent unemployment, the monarch slipped away for a hunting safari in a far-flung corner of southern Africa to hunt elephants. This particular trip only became public when the king stumbled and fell before dawn Friday April 13, 2012 at his bungalow in the country of Botswana and fractured his right hip, forcing an emergency flight home and surgery. (AP Photo/Paul White, File)
I have yet to find info on the Botswana-Juan Carlos visit duration- aka when did he travel from Spain to Botswana, and where he was and who he visited?