Would Be Largest Addition to Monumental Core Washington D.C. Since McMillan and the Aborted East Mall
The Washington, D.C. “South Capitol Mall”. Though never formally named, it appeared front and center within and throughout U.S. National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC's) 1997 publication
“Extending the Legacy: Planning America’s Capital for the 21st Century".
“Extending the Legacy” refers to extending that of Washington, D.C.'s Pierre L’Enfant and McMillan Commission Washington, D.C. planning, with the latter adopting a beaux arts 'city beautiful' mode incorporating and extending the linear green-way of the National Mall westward with a Reflecting Pool culminating in a Lincoln Memorial with traffic circle.
The 1990s USNCPC 'South Capitol Mall' concept of a new promenade extending due south from the U.S. Capitol building via a widened South Capitol Street corridor, was the largest addition to the monumental core of Washington D.C. since the 1924 West Mall with the Lincoln and the 1943 Jefferson Memorials, and a subsequent NCPC "East Capitol Mall" proposal from the 1920s into about the early 1960s.
Both the McMillan plan and the subsequent East Capitol Mall proposal were contemporaneously reported about by newspapers, particularly the former’s West Mall-Lincoln Memorial.
East Capitol Mall
The 1990s “Extending the Legacy” South Capitol Mall to the contrary was strangely under-reported, a process of being masked
by being mis-described via the notably vague yet consistent terminology rather as a "gateway" and "boulevard".
This would be universal throughout the MSM ‘reporting’, but also with the various ‘environmentalist’ organizations, all following such a consistently selective use of terminology to NOT inform about the proposal for the new linear park along the South Capitol axis.
Such a uniformity of focus and lexicon -- for such a signature proposal -- defied any reasonable expectation of the odds, of say any of the past such proposals being so under-reported.
It was as if a giant ‘magnet’ controlled these entities in their selections of words
and actions, to obscure the issue for the preferences of their hidden master[s]. Something with its tentacles throughout the U.S. and other governments, the media, and the various private organizations.
1996 MSM non-reporting on proposed South Capitol Mall
2003 MSM non-reporting on proposed South Capitol Mall
'E' Groups Indifference
Physical Reality- The Most Significant Structure In The South Capitol Mall's Path
1 April 2012