Monday, August 6, 2018

D. Willinger Banned From Commenting At "Natural News"

"Natural News"- an "alternative" media outlet that alas promotes irresponsible reactive policies regarding "opioids", and censors people questioning such. 

"Natural News", like countless other media outlets such as The New York Times has adopted the lets kill more people with adulterated, UN-standardized "opioids" so we can continue the drug war after Marijuana is legalized.

For further details about this story, see:
excerpt-  "Natural News claims to be for medical freedom.

Yet it has debased itself by jumping on this 'how we continue the misery of the drug war after Marijuana becomes legalized" mass media "'opioid' epidemic" campaign bandwagon.

Centered around a new scare word "opioid", and a lying through their teeth that they are working to thwart a problematic situation which they actually make worse, by unjustifiably further curtailing people's access to regulated pain meds, in order so we get a huge growth in essentially unregulated, wildly unpredictable potency black market opiates adulterated with far far more potent synthetic opiates (which the previously obscure term "opioid" initially referred to).  Countless talking heads lied through their teeth tat too many prescriptions were being written (too many, yet never questioning qualitative matters as to why such prescriptions always insist upon taking such meds every single day without break).  Yet when doctors thus began placing such dirty politics even moreso over the interests of patients, with prescriptions going down, yet fatal overdoses going up, we get such illustrious mass  media organs misleading their readers with headlines reporting on such as "Prescription Dip Seen as Advance in Opioid Battle"

All of this simple, destructive, one-mindedness, reeks of some sort of organized campaign to lie to the general public for the sake of promoting evil polices designed to maximize human misery."

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