Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Drug War Cigarette Mercantilism

The un-tallied costs of the market protection ban on anything other than caffeine and nicotine, particularly the banning of Coca to protect Tobacco cigarettes

Coca along with Coffee Tea and Tobacco are known to explorers from Europe by the early 1500s.  Yet Coca's perishability delays its popularization in Europe until the 1860s when Corsican-French Angelo Francois Mariani first bottles Coca's essence in Vin Mariani- some twenty years before the mass introduction of concentarted cocaine and machine rolled cigarettes.

'Drug War' agricultural market protection of Tobacco CIGARETTES against the alternatives of Coca leaves Opium and Cannabis -

production of cigarettes- note the upturns cir 1906, 1914, 1937 and 1951 coinciding with the successive 'anti-drug' legislation in the U.S.- the 1906 Food and Drugs Act; the 1914 harrison 'Narcotics' Tax Act; the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act; the 1951 Boggs Act

Coca leaf products as Vin Mariani and  'Coca-Bola' - the latter sold specifically as a 'Tobacco habit cure'

After many trials I succeeded in having the coca put up as a masticatory in the form of plugs like tobacco. These were made at my suggestion by C.L. Mitchell, M.D. & Co., Pharmaceutical Chemists, of Ninth and Race Streets, Philadelphia. I have given this preparation the name of “Coca-Bola” from coca and bolus, a mass. Each plug is about the size of an ordinary plug of chewing tobacco, and contains about 200 grains (nearly half its weight) of coca leaves, besides a small quantity each of tea, coffee and coinchona bark. Each plug is marked off for convenience into squares, each square containing about 16 grains of coca leaves; this quantity is about sufficient for a single dose or chew and even a smaller portion my suffice. It is to be thoroughly masticated in the same manner when chewing tobacco, the saliva being swallowed, not ejected as in tobacco chewing. After the mass has been masticated for some time and the virtues of the coca leaf pretty well extracted, the residue is to be ejected. A chew of the “Coca-bola” take in this manner occasionally throughout the day will generally completely satisfy the craving for stimulants, and at the same time remove any feeling of depression or fatigue. The addition of the tea and coffee seem to assist considerably the sustaining and stimulating effect of the coca leaves without producing any injurious after effects.
The advantages of this method of administering were found to be many and removed completely all the difficulties previously referred to. It contained no alcohol, did not require the use of the objectionable bottle and spoon, was exceeding convenient, and as it so closely resembled tobacco, its continued use excited no remark. Besides it could be easily carried in the vest pocket and was always at hand when needed.

By the use of the “Coca-bola,” in the treatment of the class of cases previously referred to , we substitute for the objectionable habit of drinking liquor the harmless use of coca. So free is it from all injurious effects that I can say that in my opinion no greater boon could be conferred on humanity that in the conversion of all alcohol drinkers into coca chewers. At my request, Dr. Mitchell has now prepared the “Coca-bola” for sale and will shortly place it on the market, when I would ask its careful trial by such of my professional brethren as are interested in the treatment of this class of cases.

Coca-Bola will also be found to be a very valuable substitute for tobacco, especially in the treatment of those who are suffering from the pernicious effects of its excessive use in the habit of chewing. It is a well known fact in the treatment of the cases that the greatest obstacle, and the one which meets the physician at the very outset, is the difficulty experienced in providing a suitable substitute for the offending “quid.” The chewing of tobacco, soon leads almost unconsciously to the formation of a habit of chewing, and when the mouth becomes accustomed to the frequent regularity of the movements of mastication, and the continued presence of a foreign body, the action becomes in a certain sense an involuntary one, and any interruption or break in its regular performance adds a disturbing element which greatly enhances the depression naturally resulting from the withdrawal of the physiological stimulus of the tobacco. A habit soon becomes a second nature, and a habitual chewer of tobacco derives as much satisfaction, and from the “company” of the “chew”, to which he had accustomed himself, as he does from the drug itself.

The use of tobacco in chewing or smoking, as well as the frequent drinking of liquor, produces a catarrhal condition of the mouth which also adds to the desire for the presence of the quid. The oral mucosa are in a state of sub-acute congestion, and while the first result of the habit is to stimulate their secretions, this is soon followed by catarrhal changes, whereby the saliva and other juices become greatly diminished in quantity. An uncomfortable feeling of dryness and heat in the mouth soon results, only alleviated by the employment of the alcohol, or the tobacco. To relieve this condition of affairs in many different "tobacco substitutes" have been recommended, but with very little success. They are generally compounds containing large quantities of licorice-root, and while they partly satisfy the taste, they do not supply any stimulus or sustaining agent to take the place of the refreshing and almost nourishing tobacco, neither do they allay the congestion of the mouth.

Coca leaves should, theoretically, be an excellent substitute for tobacco.

They have an agreeable, bitter aromatic taste when chewed in the mouth; they greatly diminish the blood supply in the superficial capillaries of the mucous membrane, and should thus relieve the congestion of the oral mucosa; and the general tonic, stimulating and sustaining powers of the drug should render it a suitable and innocent substitute to take the place of tobacco. Moreover, it leaves behind it no injurious after effects, and its use can be at any time suspended after the patient has lost his desire for the former drug. When, therefore, the coca leaves can be presented in the form of a masticatory, and satisfy both the physiological requirements of the case and the "habit" of the chewer, it would seem as if every condition for a perfect substitute for chewing tobacco had been fulfilled. – C.L. Mitchell, M.D. in "Clinical Notes"

CIGARETTES of Virginia Bright Leaf - a variety breed to have a larger leaf and lower nicotine content being easier to inhale -- first introduced in mass machine produced form about 1884

Harvey Washington Wiley
Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry USDA

James Harry Covington
U.S. Rep. 1909-1914,
founder of the law firm Covington & Burling

Task List

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Task List

Getting the job done

Highlight the absurdity of the status quo.

Get the Act Together

Repeal-nullification of the Controlled Substance Act as un-constitutional e.g. under substantive due process.

Nullification of all existing CSA related violation convictions - immediate release of all drug war prisoners and program of restitution.

Equalification of product labeling law- elimination of exemption for alcoholic beverages and Tobacco products.

Re-introduction and popularization of Coca - Vin Mariani.

Get the show on the road for a more transparent government and a more learned general populance.

Ben Franklin and the Virgin Mary's Mom